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Transformations Through the Riverina LLS Aboriginal Ranger Program

  • 1.  Transformations Through the Riverina LLS Aboriginal Ranger Program

    Posted 03-09-2023 10:01
    Edited by Gabrielle Stacey 06-09-2023 17:12

    Transformations Through the Riverina LLS Aboriginal Ranger Program

    Source: Riverina Local Land Services - 13 Jul 2023

    The Local Land Services Aboriginal Ranger Program was launched in July 2022 and is being delivered across the Central West, Murray, Riverina and North West Local Land Services regions.

    The program is designed to enhance Aboriginal people’s connection to Country and provide meaningful career pathways through formal training and implementing learnings.

    Central West Aboriginal Rangers have been putting their knowledge into practice on a travelling stock reserve close to Coonabarabran with high biodiversity and Aboriginal cultural values.
    The reserve is being transformed into a meeting place for the community and outdoor space for practicing traditional Aboriginal customs.

    The site is being fenced off to protect the high value conservation area and cultural heritage sites present through restricting unauthorised vehicle access which will reduce illegal dumping and the general degradation of the site.

    The project area will be revegetated, maintained and preserved as a significant cultural space for the whole community.

    Local Land Services Business Partner Aboriginal Cultural Engagement Graham Kelly said the program has upskilled participants giving them qualifications and experience through on-ground projects.

    “The guys are doing their Certificate III in Conservation and Ecosystem Management and then get to apply the skills they have learned through projects like this where they are transforming the reserve into a meeting place for people to learn the ways of our mob,” Mr Kelly said.

    “The rangers have created areas for traditional men’s business and women’s business with dancing circles and yarning circles.

    “We’ve had a number of gatherings here and I’m getting plenty of enquiries from people now wanting to use the space.” 

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