
Capricorn Coast Landcare Group

By Rob posted 03-08-2021 14:00

Some of our volunteers join Landcare working bees to get involved in a good cause. Some lonely people come to socialise and make new friends. Other join to fulfill Centrelink obligations, but often stay on because they enjoy working with us; and feel good about what they are doing. We have become a social group that meets twice a week, not only to improve our environment, but to enjoy morning tea, a good chat and a few laughs. Some friendships extend beyond Landcare. We attract not just 'greenies' but people from all sectors of the community.

We have had 3 Centrelink people who confided they were bi-polar. It was satisfying to see them become more comfortable working with others over time. Our co-ordinator recently completed a mental health course so we can more easily help anyone having problems. Our work provides myriad benefits for both the environment and the community. Weeding the bushland areas helps the areas regenerate naturally, or we plant natives grown by the community nursery. We restore the natural biodiversity, create wildlife corridors for native fauna, and provide locals and visitors pleasant areas to visit and enjoy. Last year we began work on badly degraded beach dunes on one of or main beaches, next to a large caravan park. Work on this highly visible site has not only improved the environment but has attracted great interest from residents and tourists alike. We also carry out weeding projects and clean up days on some of the Keppel Islands, in conjunction with other groups. We conduct regular clean ups around Yeppoon, keeping the area free of unsightly rubbish, and preventing harmful debris being washed into the creeks and the bay where it is lethal to our marine life. We work with junior landcare and other youth organizations such as girl guides and PCYC so that the next generation might take pride in where they live and carry on the good work.

We post updates and photographs on social media for our members and the general public. We supply the local newspapers with progress reports and photos. I also supply a free column to the main newspaper in our region, and am able to spruik upcoming events, and write about environmental issues for a wide audience. We regularly get people stopping to congratulate us on the work we are doing, showing that the community appreciates the benefits of our work. Our group has a stall at all the local environmental and community events; and our co-ordinator and I sit on council-run environmental, community and disaster resilience committees. We work in close association with other environmental groups such as Fitzroy Basin Association, Capricornia Catchments. Birdlife Capricornia, Conservation Council and Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority. Landcare on the Capricorn Coast works for the community, with the community, and is an integral part of the community. Our motto is to think globally, and act locally.

Capricorn Coast Landcare Group
