
2022 National Landcare Conference Education Resources

By MelanieH posted 18-08-2022 16:38


It's a wrap!

Please explore the video recordings, presentation decks and posters from the 2022 National Landcare Conference.  You are invited to share these through your newsletters, website, social media channels and more.  You can also share the url for this post:

IMPORTANT - You don't have to be logged in to Landcarer to access these resources.  However, if you ARE logged in to Landcarer you will need to "Join" the respective Communities of Practice to see the posts.  Just click the links below and then click the "Join Community" button when prompted by the message "You are not authorised to view this document".

Conference Welcome, Introductions & Wrap Ups

Plenary Sessions

Panel Sessions

Landcare Farming and Emerging Environmental Markets - Stream Sessions

Environment & Climate Change - Stream Sessions

Community Partnerships in Action - Stream Sessions

Landcare Impact - Stream Sessions

Urban Landcare - Stream Sessions

First Nations - Stream Sessions

Closing remarks

2022 National Landcare Conference Field Days

2022 National Landcare Awards


Organisation Poster Title
Australian Network for Plant Conservation Sharing our knowledge: seed banking and other forms of ex situ plant conservation to safeguard our future
Biodynamic Agriculture Australia Go One Step Further: access support & work in synergy with nature
Biolinks Alliance Heathcote Local to Landscape project: a model for scaling up landscape repair
Brogers Creek Landcare From poisoning privet to creating community
Bushlink Corporate Dunecare at Dee Why
Capricorn Coast Landcare Group Caring for Environment & Community
Foundation for Rabbit-Free Australia Inc. Landscape saboteurs
Hovells Creek Landcare It takes a village to fix a river
Hunter Valley Wineries Hunter Valley Wineries
Landcare NSW Eat Dirt: Challenging the Curriculum & Creating Connected Resilient Communities
Liverpool City Council Community Fairy Garden turned green
Mulloon Institute Rehydrating Australia with Landcare
Mulloon Institute Mulloon Rehydration Initiative – Brining the Community Along
North Ainslie Primary School's  Green Team Leaders North Ainslie Primary School Green Team
NQ Dry Tropics Protecting endangered Beach Scrub: Landcare groups do the work
NRM North Mitigating Hillslope Erosion in Northern Tasmania
Oceanwatch Australia Future Proofing for Natural Calamities
Oceanwatch Australia Litter Free Estuaries
Saving our Species Saving our Species and Landcare: partnering to boost success
Swamps Rivers and Ranges Inc. Action roundtables the collaboration link
The Gums Landcare Community Landcare in The Gums, Tranmore SA
United Nations Association of Australia (NSW) Shaping the future of Landcare: UN goals and priorities for nature and climate
Willoughby Council Vols on Hot Coals: How ecological hazard reduction burning has rekindled the flame within Bushcare volunteers
Wonyip Landcare Group and Yarram Yarram Landcare Network Simple Solutions and Citizen Science –  An innovative nest-box design and monitoring system for threatened arboreal species





29-08-2022 19:50

Thanks Melanie there is a lot of feedback in the first part of my talk and it would be nice to edit the beginning where there was confusion re when to begin the talk. Would that be possible. Many thanks Alice

29-08-2022 17:37

@Alice Hathorn - Thank you for asking the question.  The rest of the stream session recordings are now live.  We're now just waiting for the recordings of Thursday's plenary sessions to be uploaded by the ICC team.  They're coming!​

29-08-2022 14:25

Hi I was wondering when the urban landcare presentations will be available to view and the remainder of the plenary speakers presentations. Thank you

29-08-2022 11:08

Hi @Jaymie Rains, thank you for flagging - Update for anyone reading, the issue that Jaymie encountered was that when you are logged in, you'll need to join the respective Communities of Practice where the items are located.  If you are not logged in, you can see all of the content without joining a Community of Practice. But please log in and join and be part of the conversation and sharing of resources.

29-08-2022 11:04

I have tried to open some of the posters and get a "you are not authorised to view this page" message