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  • 1.  "Landcare In Focus" Invites Story Submissions

    Posted 25-06-2024 11:42

    "Landcare In Focus" Invites Story Submissions

    Landcare in Focus is now a biannual online magazine that features case studies and science-based articles focused on innovation in agricultural land management, excellence in sustainable farming, revegetation and habitat restoration, protection of waterways, community participation in landcare projects including conservation and sustainable land management.

    Subscribe here to receive the Landcare in Focus.

    Landcare Australia welcomes content contributions, the next edition is November 2024, and the deadline for content submissions is September 1.

    Submissions or queries should be sent to The Editor at

    Content Submission Guidelines

    • Articles should be 300 words with approved content that can be published in Landcare in Focus with an understanding that Landcare Australia will publish the article across its communications channels.
    • Articles that are overly advertorial may not be accepted.
    • Please provide author name/s and affiliation/s for publication.
    • Please include a contact email address so that people can contact you for more information.
    • You are welcome to include a website land/or video link (if relevant).
    • We generally accept only one article per group per issue.
    • Content should be supplied as MS Word document, please do not embed any images in the word document.
    • Our language style is active voice and conversational.
    • We do not use technical references in this story-style of magazine; however, you may link to technical resources.
    • Articles will be edited by Landcare Australia to align with the style guide for Landcare in Focus.
    • Landcare Australia reserves the final judgement on acceptance of articles. Articles that do not meet the guidelines and the deadline will not be accepted. Not all submissions will be published.
    • Submissions or queries should be sent to The Editor at

    Photo Submission Guidelines

    • Please provide 2-3 high resolution images with 300 dpi.
    • Photo/s should be of the best possible quality and resolution in TIF, PNG or JPG file format.
    • Please provide a photo caption for the images.
    • All photos must be supplied as approved images for media use by Landcare Australia


    [City] NSW

  • 2.  RE: "Landcare In Focus" Invites Story Submissions

    Posted 26-06-2024 08:46

    Please share this as we would like a variety of stories and as many as possible to showcase.  @Ben Bancroft @Ben2100 @Ariahne Thompson @annacharltonshick @Ange Snowdon @Angela @Rowan Ewing
