List Your Environmental Events Free Online

One of Australia's largest calendars for environmental events & days 

Free Online Environmental Event Listings 

Do you want to promote your environmental event in Australia? Landcarer allows you to add free event listings to our environmental events calendar.

68,800+ Impressions* for Landcarer Event Listings in Google Search Results 

Promote your event to more people, make your event easy to find online.

1. List event on your website or Facebook

Your event is seen by your direct users, members and community.

2. Share your event on

Sharing your event on third party websites like Landcarer, means your event is seen by more people - in our case, people who are passionate about the environment.

3. Boost your event's search engine appearance

Search Engines like Google, display your event listings from multiple online sources, ensuring your event is seen by a much wider audience. 
Landcarer event listings appear in Google Search results and have an Avg Click Through Rate of 4.11%.

1 in 5* Landcarer Event Listings appear in Top 10 Google Search Results

You need to login to add an event.
Don't have an account? Sign up today. is easy to use, you can list the event yourself. Follow the steps below. 

1. Login is an open forum and is publicly accessible without an account. However, to contribute content to the website, such as adding an event listing, you must sign up and/or login.

2. Choose an appropriate community and join it is an online community made up or organised by smaller community buckets. 

Choose the community most appropriate to your event, and make sure you have joined the community (this is important as you can only add events to a community which you are apart of).

See full list of communities here.

3. Select "Events" Tab 

4. Click "Add Event" Button 

5. Fill out the details  

  1. Insert short but descriptive title for your event
  2. Select “Event Type”
    There are a few options to choose from which can change your options in the form beyond this point. Options are: Awards Ceremony, Conference, Field Trip, Information Session, Knowledge Cafe, Landcare Group/Organisation Meeting, Other, Professional Development, Special Observance, Volunteering and Webinar. Depending on what you select, you may also get additional fields to toggle whether your event is displayed in the events list or in search results on the website. 
  3. Select Community
    This should per-populate with the community you were browsing
  4. Insert Event Description
    Insert all your event details here. You can format text, include links, images, videos, tags , mentions etc. This is where you can also insert <embed> code from Youtube or chosen platform if you are live streaming.
  5. More information link
    You can link to your own website or and events page outside of Landcarer if you have more comprehensive information hosted elsewhere.
  6. Select the community topic from the list
    This is the topic associated with your event/community your posting in.
  7. Insert date and time, if you selected an offline in-person event type, you may also have to select a location and input an address here.
  8. Insert the event organiser contact details to be displayed with this event.
    Depending on the type of event you selected, you may also need to add a registration form link in this section – this is where the RSVP button will link to, otherwise the platform will collate RSVP information for you.
  9. You can toggle the setting to send the invite to all members of that community (pending individual privacy settings) 

6. Save and publish your event 

7. Start a discussion about your event and keep the community updated

Handy tips

  • Include as much detail as possible.
  • Add relevant links, images, videos to help make your event listing more engaging.
  • Make your event title short, meaningful and easy to understand for someone outside of your organisation or group. This will display in Google search results.
  • Your starting paragraph in your event description should easily summarise what your event is about and who it is for. This may display in Google search results.
  • Did you know, in the lead up to or after your event, you can use Landcarer to host event materials like reports, agendas, webinar recordings or videos, and presentation files. Making it easier for your attendees to access and find important information.

*Data Source: Google Search Console, 1 August 2022 to 1 August 2023