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Results of the Landcare Led Bushfire Recovery Grants Program!

By Melissa154 posted 05-10-2022 16:15

The $14 million Landcare Led Bushfire Recovery Grants Program has just wrapped up and the outstanding results speak for themselves: THIS is the incredible impact we achieve working together!

Landcarers across Australia are celebrating their outstanding achievements for bushfire affected environments and communities following the completion of the landmark $14 million Landcare Led Recovery Grants Program.

Managed in partnership between Landcare Australia, the National Landcare Network and the peak Landcare State and Territory organisations, the program saw almost 66,000 Australians – including over 10,000 volunteers, working together to deliver 111 community-driven projects in bushfire affected areas across the east coast and South Australia.

With project successes ranging from Upper Snowy Landcare discovering the best eucalyptus seed sources for future bushfire recovery efforts through climate testing, to the South Australian Museum’s research data leading to the Kangaroo Island Assassin Spider being listed as Critically Endangered under the EPBC Act, the program has had an overwhelmingly positive impact across some of Australia’s most heavily bushfire affected regions.

Read more about the results of the Grants Program here:

Watch the impact video here.
