
Rare turtles discovered at Borinya!

By Melissa Higgins posted 14-10-2022 11:52


Borinya students (Wangaratta VIC) recently found six very rare baby Broad–Shelled Turtles in their grounds!

Student Jade Scown found the first baby turtle on the grass beside the newly built learning centre, with other students and teachers then joining in the search and by the end of the week they had six turtles.

Local ecologist Ian Davidson from Wangaratta Landcare and Sustainability (WLS), who identified the turtles, expressed great enthusiasm about the turtle find, saying that in all his years as an ecologist he has only seen hatchlings of this species a handful of times.

Teacher Kjirsten Robb said Borinya's turtles were lucky to have survived through the building of the new learning centre and will be kept safe until they are strong enough for release in nearby Mullinmur Billabong.

"Borinya has a strong sustainability focus and works with WLS on improving the amenity and health of both the land and aquatic ecosystems of Mullinmur Billabong (behind the school)," Kjirsten said.

"Every week students work on a range of projects such as tree planting days, building, installing and monitoring nesting boxes and bee hotels.

How cool is that?


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