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  • 1.  Happy Frogtober!

    Posted 18-10-2022 16:50
    Edited by Toby Davidson 18-10-2022 16:53
    It's that time of year again. The streams are flowing, the dams are full, and the frogs are out in full force.

    I took the torch down to my local creek recently to see if I could find some amphibian friends. Although the recent floods seemed to disrupt frog numbers at my place, I was pleased to find a number of Stony Creek Frogs (Litoria wilcoxii) that had survived.

    (Photo via QLD Department of Environment and Science)

    Although the bright yellow males may look banana flavoured - I assure you they're not. But they are very cute.

    In the distance, I could hear the distinct call of the Red-crowned Toadlet (Pseudophryne australis) towards a sandstone escarpment. This tiny (3cm!) species is listed as vulnerable, and I feel very lucky to have living them right by my house.

    (Photo via Growing Illawarra Natives)

    Legend has it that the red booty stripe makes it go faster.

    In the spirit of Frogtober, Ginninderra Catchment Group has conducted surveys for its Frogs from the Ashes project.

    Funded by the Landcare Led Bushfire Recovery Grants program and following extensive destruction of frog habitat by the Orral Valley Fire, the project saw 10 avid frogwatchers undertake 34 biodiversity surveys during the 2021/22 breeding season.

    Read more about Frogs from the Ashes

    What frogs have you spotted this Frogtober? Share them below!


    Toby Davidson
    Upper Macdonald