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Identify your weeds with Weeds Australia's identification tool!

  • 1.  Identify your weeds with Weeds Australia's identification tool!

    Posted 26-10-2022 10:04

    Identify a weed in your region

    Not sure what weed you have?

    Weeds Australia has created this Weed Identification tool to help you identify a weed in your region by selecting its unique features using the check boxes available.

    Once you believe you have identified the features of your weed, it will provide you a list of weeds remaining – click on the 'image' to enlarge it and if you are confident in your selection, the factsheet icon next to the 'weed name' will then link you with the relevant management profile. This key is optimised on tablets and desktop computers only.

    Attrition: Weeds Australia


    Emily Mason
    Sydney NSW