Aussie Bird Count | Birdlife Australia

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Event Overview

The Birdlife Australia Aussie Bird Count is back! It's a great way to take some time out, get back to nature and become acquainted with the birds in your area, whether it's in your front yard, backyard, courtyard, park, play area or anywhere else you may like to count.

To complete the Aussie Bird Count, spend 20 minutes standing or sitting in one spot and noting down the birds that you see. You will need to count the number of each species you spot within the 20 minute period. For example, you might see 4 Australian Magpies, 2 Rainbow Lorikeets and a Sulphur-Crested Cockatoo. If you can identify birds by their calls, please include these in your count, but if you aren’t sure of a bird without seeing it, please exclude it rather than making a guess. The Aussie Bird Count app has a handy field-guide to help you identify birds.

See the prizes available!

Register now!

Taking part is easy:
  1. Just spend 20 minutes in your favourite outdoor space and tell us about the birds you see during that period.
  2. Count the birds! You can submit your results using the app or the web form.
  3. There’s a built-in “bird finder” tool to help you identify birds you’re unsure of.
  4. Submit your count! You can count as many times as you want. Every count helps.


Date & Time

Starts:  Oct 17, 2022 09:00 (ET)
Ends:  Oct 23, 2022 17:00 (ET)
Associated with  Native Flora & Fauna