Aussie Bird Count Walk | Lachlan Valley National Parks Association

Event Overview

As part of Bird Week, the Lachlan Valley National Parks Association have organised a walk on Sunday, October 23 at the Bumberry Ridge Trail!

Walkers are to meet at the Lions Park, Orange Road, Parkes at 0900 or at the rest area at the Trail at 0920. This walk will cover undulating terrain and cover approximately 8 kilometres.

If you are intending to join the group for the walk, please contact Walk Leader, Martin Bell on 0429 346 586 the evening before the walk.

New walkers are always welcome! Walkers are reminded to bring along enough food and water for the entire day as well as suitable clothing, footwear, hat and sunscreen. A pair of good binoculars and a fold up chair for the post- walk cuppa is recommended.

If you can't make the walk and want to complete the Aussie Bird Count, spend 20 minutes standing or sitting in one spot and noting down the birds that you see. You will need to count the number of each species you spot within that period.

For example, you might see 4 Australian Magpies, 2 Rainbow Lorikeets and a Sulphur-Crested Cockatoo. If you can identify birds by their calls, please include these in your count, but if
you aren't sure of a bird without seeing it, please exclude it rather than making a guess.

The Aussie Bird Count app has a handy field-guide to help you identify birds!
Apple Store: Aussie Bird Count
Google Store: Aussie Bird Count

For further information on this article, please go to, twitter, facebook or Instagram @cwllandcare or contact Marg Applebee on 0418 611 053.

Date & Time

When:  Oct 23, 2022 from 09:00 to 13:00 (ET)
Associated with  Native Flora & Fauna


Bumberry Ridge Trail (Goobang National Park)
Lions Park, Orange Road
(or at the rest area at the Trail at 9:20am)
Parkes, NSW

Event Organiser

Martin Bell
0429 346 586