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Clean Up Australia Day with Hunter Intrepid Landcare

Signup Deadline: 03-02-2024
Starts: 03-03-2024
Ends: 03-03-2024
Location: Online Opportunity


Join Hunter Intrepid Landcare and the Newcastle University Student Environment Club (NUSEC) to help clean up the coastline from Merewether to Bar Beach. 

This area is frequented by Newcastle residents and tourists to walk and enjoy the coastal views - meaning there will be plenty of rubbish to collect. Do you part to preserve this iconic feature of our city!
One group will start at Merewether, the other at Bar, and we will meet in the middle. 
Followed by a fun activity like beach cricket, swimming and chilling with like-minded people!
All ages, kids and families welcome (and encouraged!)
9am - approx 12pm
Sunday, March 3rd
Merewether Ocean Baths Carpark
Email or text 0478 670 146 for enquiries.


Coast & Waterways
Junior Landcare Educator Hub
Landcare Facilitator / Coordinator
Landcare network or group
Landcare volunteer
Urban Landcare
Youth Engagement
Youth group

Volunteers Needed:

30 (27 open slots)

Experience Required:

No Experience




Gabrielle Stacey