Landcare Champion Stories

Julie Ayre
Volunteer at the Understory Network  

Champion Story

Julie Ayre has volunteered at the Understorey Network (USN) since February 2020 after moving from Queensland to Hobart and deciding to join an organisation that reflected her interests and would introduce her to like-minded people.



Julie has led the overhaul of the group’s website and database to update its flagship Plant Database of Tasmanian Native Plants. Julie’s leadership role in undertaking to improve, update, and redevelop the website and database is inspiring.
“I have been inspired myself by people who are so passionate about Tasmanian natives. Their efforts, contributing their time and knowledge to the development of the original database over 20 years ago, are the core of this redevelopment. Working with other volunteers on this project and at the nursery has connected me with people who are dedicated to protecting our natural environment.”
Due to Julie’s efforts the renewed database will have approximately 1900 plants each with updated information on propagation, seed collection, and growing conditions.  When the task is finished later this year, landcarers all over Tasmania will have an up-to-date resource at their fingertips.
Julie is now seeking people with specific knowledge of eucalypts, grasses, orchids, and so on to help her with the next phase of the project whilst still volunteering each week at the nursery. Julie’s commitment to making sure that the USN does its absolute best to produce a workable and informative website and database to be used for many years to come, by a range of people interested in supporting our environment, has been truly remarkable.
For the last two years, under Julie’s guidance and support a mutually beneficial arrangement has evolved between the USN and Community Youth Justice which underpins Landcare Week’s theme – ‘Landcare is for Everyone’.  The USN needed additional resources and time to maintain the community native garden next to the nursery and Youth Justice work with young people who are required to do community service.  Together they were able to help these young people undertake a range of activities in a natural environmental setting in the garden, whilst providing training opportunities and supporting their health and personal development.






Dr Gavin Malone

Ladies on the Land HMLG

Urban Bushland Initiative Incorporated

Moggill Creek Catchment Group

Kimone Stacey-Missen is the project officer for Bacchus Marsh Grammar