She has a sincere appreciation for the complexity of Queensland’s agro-ecological systems, its people, and the extreme exposure of nature-related risk.
Hayley has travelled to some of Australia’s harshest and most productive grazing country for the on-farm research, development of extension material, producer field days and training courses focused on climate change driven initiatives.
Her development and leadership of the Carbon Neutral Grazier Network is an excellent example of her thoughtful approach to farmers implementing climate change initiatives. The reach of this group is remarkable - more than 500 members who manage 1.5 million head of cattle, sheep and goats across 2.5 million ha.
Hayley’s is successfully applying her knowledge of carbon and biodiversity in grazing systems, environmental markets and certification schemes.
Through the Wirra Natural Capital Project, Hayley worked with Melinee and Alastair Shannon of ‘Wirra’ to trial Australia’s first certifiable environmental accounting method designed to simultaneously assess the environmental and productivity condition of Australia’s grazed systems under the Accounting for Nature® framework.*
Since going on maternity leave, Hayley has continued to engage with the community by assisting her son’s kindergarten in applying for a 2024 Woolworths Junior Landcare Grant. Dr Mac as she is known to the children, has spent time with the school. As well as talking about biodiversity and conducting experiments, she was able to connect with the children by introducing them to the eight members of the Garden Gang (bees, ants, stick insects, and so on), explaining the crucial roles each member plays in maintaining biodiversity via a puppet show. The puppet show cleverly starts with familiar faces likes bees but is centred around soil microbes!
* This occurred as part of a larger Barfield Road Producer Group project that was kindly funded by the Landcare Farming Program.